The box is made from PCB with final touch of paint, and coil core is from sewing thread that I put audio connector to make easy to plug in to GDO. I use heat shrink rubber to keep the coil fix in the position and for nice looking. The dial mark I used from transparent paper by mirror printing then glued with silicone paste.
The lowest frequency should be lower than that , seeing that my project is still around 3.5 - 21 Mhz only, for the moment I just put in any limit for lowest and highest frequency for hf operation, and if my project needs lower or higher , I will re-wind the coil then.
This Frequency Counter I built totally from IK3OIL
( schematic and source code ).For normal operation it can measure up to 50 Mhz, and needs prescaler for higher measurement. I like IK3OIL project ( FC ), because he provides some variables choice for the PIC Program, eg. X-tal, prescaler division , etc. so I can use any X-tal from the junk and prescaler IC, as well. I know, to get prescaler IC is not easy unless importing from other countries. Another way to get it, is, by cascading two ic LB 3500 ( 1/8 prescaler ) , it becomes 1/64 prescaler. Even it is only 150 Mhz, but better than not.
Halo OM, salam kenal. Saya ingat, pernah bikin GDO persis dari skema ini, tapi entah kenapa gak bisa bekerja sejak pertama ON dan kesalahannya gak bisa saya temukan, sampai penasaran dan mangkrak. Akhirnya saya bikin GDO dari referensi skema SM0VPO dan berhasil. Saya dan teman heran2 ( gumun2 :-) ) lihat jarumnya bisa drop waktu resonan pas di rangkaian LC yg di test. Saya suka blognya OM, karena membahas homebrew.
ReplyDeleteSalam, Indra S.
Salam kenal kembali, senang bisa bertemu. terimakasih kunjungannya. Ternyata sama, pengalaman itu juga saya alami P. Indra. Karena saya taunya cuma nyolder dan mengira2 saja, dan disitu gak banyak komponen yg perlu dipikir, akhirnya jatuh pada kedua FET itu pak.Dia hrs seimbang seperti jembatan wien gitu, jadi klo dpt yg simetris, bagus hasilnya , mari dicoba lagi. Fet baru belum tentu simetris dg lainnya pak..akhirnya bongkar pasang.
ReplyDeleteO begitu, wah waktu itu gak kepikir FET nya harus match ha3. Bikin lagi...nggak wis, saya sudah punya GDO, toh fungsinya sama. Terima kasih atas sarannya Pak.
ReplyDeletehalo pa .... salam kenal
ReplyDeletesaya kok penasaran sama freq counter na itu versi ik3oil yang 7 digit...kalo berkenan mohon link nya
salam. dadang